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Leslie Mezei
In the January 1966 issue of 'Computers and
Automation', Leslie Mezei
at the University of
Toronto suggested building a network for
sharing information about events connected with
computer art. Shortly afterwards, he published a
bibliography on computer art and in June 1966
the conference "Design and Computer”
was held
at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
The conference was organized by Martin
Krampen, who at that time worked at the
Institute of Design at the University of Waterloo
and at the Hochschule für Gestaltung
in Ulm,
The participants were: Allen Bernholtz, Edward
Bierstone, Steven A. Coons, William A. Fetter,
Edwin L. Jacks, Kenneth C. Knowlton, Marvin L.
Manheim, A. Michael Noll, Kenneth G. Scheid,
Arthur E. Neuman.